Mother’s Day ~ Climate Change

Photography by Matt Barrett

What about climate change? My first thought after hearing these words is of our planet, of weather, the melting of the icebergs, the drought, the blizzards so out of seasonal expectations. But climate can also be the day to day conditions we exist in, as in the atmosphere or ambiance of our home, our workplace, our planet.

Besides the weather, many changes have and are taking place on our planet. The entire climatic environment seems completely out of control. Diseases, never heard of before, run rampant; depression in all age groups is a near epidemic, while world leaders seem more concerned with ‘who said or did what,’ or ‘who’s right or wrong,’ as opposed to what is best for the people, for our planet. Many try to deal with these explosive and changing times and the daily ‘breaking news’ headlines by ingesting pills, tranquilizers, or other drugs that promise emotional solace and relief. Instead, they soon find themselves addicted to these pharmaceutical band aids so freely prescribed by their doctor. Within the last month, two of my personal friends have experienced both an attempted and a completed suicide of their children, the world climate having upset their emotional stability.

And then there are the climatic changes in weather.

The heat in 2016 broke the historic record set in 2015, which broke the one from 2014. Last year’s average global surface temperature, compiled from measurements made by thousands of weather stations, buoys, and ships, was 1.69 degrees Fahrenheit warmer than the 20th-century average. That may not seem like much, but it’s enough to cause glacier melting, which is causing rising oceans.

Over the coming 25 or 30 years, scientists say the climate is likely to be gradually getting warmer, with more of the extreme heat waves that can kill vulnerable people, animals, and plants. Rainfall will be heavier in many parts of the world, but the periods between rains will most likely grow hotter and drier. The number of hurricanes and typhoons may decrease, but the ones that do occur will draw energy from a hotter ocean surface and will, no doubt, be more intense. Coastal flooding will grow more frequent and damaging, as is already happening. Global warming seems to be causing chaos in all parts of the natural world, and that seems likely to get worse, not better. Consider the many recent sink holes that are, as we speak, causing evacuations along the Florida coast.

Some humans seem anxious to add their own contributions to the ever-increasing noxious soup that fills our air. In China it is often hard to see across the street, so thick are the clouds of grey and poisonous fumes. Warnings are issued by their government to stay inside — don’t breathe the air! School children are not allowed outside to play, and ‘fresh air stations’ have been erected and dispersed throughout the cities for those foolish enough to wander outdoors. In the view of experts, simply banking on rosy assumptions without any real plan would be dangerous. They believe one way to limit the risks is to limit harmful emissions. The climate change debate, as it is discussed in the mainstream media, appears to be divided into two major sides. One side argues that the current global warming is caused by human factors, while the other side insists it is occurring because of natural forces. Some claim that it’s not even happening. Our president loudly proclaimed from his podium, “It’s called weather, folks, that’s all!” That statement clearly shows that a Meteorologist he is not.

Perhaps the ‘natural forces’ claim is true, but are natural forces responsible for the millions of gallons of oil spilled into our oceans? Is it due to natural forces that the plastic island, three times the size of France, can be seen floating in our sea — from space? Science also predicts that by the year 2050 (if we make it that far) there will be more pieces of plastic in the ocean than fish in the sea.

Even if the changes we see today, even if our planet becomes a fire-storm of change, why throw more fuel on the fire? Are we that anxious to end our existence on this beautiful globe? Perchance there is something we can do to ease the fever that threatens our Mother Earth, that menaces us as well. Maybe we can help her through these changes to our advantage and to hers. She has provided us with a myriad of natural resources that don’t pollute; resources that would fill our needs and keep her safe.

From my podium I proclaim, ‘climate change is upon us,’ regardless of who denies it, regardless of who is culpable. If we were remiss in celebrating Earth Day, let’s at least take this Mother’s Day to show our love for the planet, for the mother who has sustained our lives for so many years. Let’s help clean her wounds and give her the same tender care we would want if we were ill. Let’s promise her that we will do our part in helping her through this time of upheaval and change. Let’s leave her in better condition than when we got here.

Let’s give her the respect she deserves.

The Rolling Sage



The Rolling Sage ~ weaver of words and worlds ~

Through a compilation of writings I hope to inspire others. These writings represent life lessons I have learned and continue to refine within myself.